Finance & Investment related Astrological Services

Are you looking for Complete indepth analysis regarding speculative, investment related issues? Then this report is the right one for your all stock, investment related decisions to make. Get most accurate indepth analysis along with effective remedial measures for most benefits.

Ask a specific question

If you have a single pertinent question about your Investment decision like should I invest in shares or bonds? Should I invest at all ? Should I invest in property or shares? Such questions are taken up in this option. ( In this option even if you do not have your birth details the answer for the same is determinable using ancient and Unique system of Horary Astrology method )

Speculation Prospects Report

Speculation/Stocks/Other Investments related Prospects Report is a report for individuals, who are determined and curious to know about their Speculative prospects ahead. This Report covers your prospects in the coming year in speculative /investment related activities.

Speculation Report

This Report is made based on your Birth Chart from the birth details provided by you to us. After checking and analyzing your Chart you would be given information whether you have good planetary placements for deriving gains through speculative and investment related activities or not. The favorable and bad periods will be mentioned in the report , which would help you to make your financial decisions accordingly.

Business Report

This is the most comprehensive astrological report regarding your Business and related activities. This report covers all aspects for people who are looking to plan their Business and wish to know about their future prospects in their Business in the coming 10-15 years. Pertinent questions like when to start the business, what type of business to undertake, Go for a partnership or go solo? And all other such type of questions will all be covered. This report covers all possible and pertinent questions about your Business along with potent remedial measures. Business Report Additional features provided free ( for which many websites are charging money ): Suitable dates to enter in to partnership Suitable dates to enter in to a business Suitable business to start as indicated by your Chart.

Gem Consultancy Report for taking financial and investment decisions

Gem stones are one of the most potent and effective remedial measure to do well in Financial and Investment related activities. Suitable Gems are effective tools to do well in investment related decisions. This Report will suggest you the best suited Gem Stone(s) as per your horoscope for getting the best benefits from your investment related decisions.

Life Predictions Report stressing on Finance/Wealth/Money

Do you wish to know all about your Finance/Wealth/Money, but why stop on these only, when you can have a complete comprehensive report which is unmatched anywhere. Manjunath Guruji will analyze and check all aspects of your Horoscope and would prepare this report , which will not only cover above aspects, but will also cover other life aspects such as Health, Traveling, Career, Finance, Property, Education etc. You can ask Manjunath Guruji to put more emphasis on Finance , wealth & money in this report and it will be taken care of. You can ask all the relevant specific questions you may have in this report and all will be answered.

RemedialConsultancy Report for improvement in your Finances/Wealth/Money

Are you experiencing problems in your investment decisions? Is your Investment portfolio not giving you effective rate of return? Is your finance level low ? Are you having problems in getting loans ? This report will help you in reducing the malefic effects of planets and enhancing and maximizing the effects of favorable planets so you get the maximum returns in life

Best Pujas & Hawans for Finance/Wealth/Money

Solve and overcome your problems and obstacles which you are facing in your Finance/Wealth/Money related issues. The most performed Homam for enhancing and advancing your Finance and Wealth is Lakshmi Kuber Homam. Other related Homams are : Mahalakshmi Homam , , Ganapathy Homam

Yantras for improving your Finance/Wealth/Money

Very strong and Potent and effective Yantras for improving your Finance & Wealth are: Sarv Karyasidhi Yantra , Kuber Yantra,Mahalakshmi Yantra,Shri Yantra