Is there any astrological question you’ve been worried or wondering about for ages? Do you need help or advice on a specific astrological issue? Do you want advice about something specific in your astrological chart? You’ve come to the right place! We at will answer your any pertinent question ( well almost any question).

Please don’t ask us to tell you the name of the person you will marry, or on what date you will die, will I get a son or a daughter ? or what the lottery numbers or what will the exam marks you will get- not only are such things difficult to ‘predict’ with astrology, but even if we could tell you, we wouldn’t, for ethical reasons.
All you need to do is send us your question and any number between 1 to 249 and your date, time and place of birth, and we will provide you with the outcome of your specified question. Following are the type of areas on which a native could ask his questions: These questions cover most of the concerns of a client , but If you have still got any other question which you would like to get it answered by us and the same is not available in these questions , then you could go to our other questions section and send the same to us and we would answer that promptly.